Manual for WinneX 3E
Installation Instruc tions
Infrared Header (IrDA)
This c onnector s upports w ir eless trans mitting and receiving. When using this function,
configure the s ettings for IR Address, IR Mode and IR IRQ from the “INTEGRATED
PERIPHERALS” section of the BIOS.
Fan Connector (CPUFAN, CHSFAN)
The fan speed of these tw o fans can be detected and view ed in “PC Health” section of
the BIOS. These tw o fans w ill be automatically tur ned of f after the s ystem enters sus-
pend mode.
Wake-Up On LAN (WOL)
Through the Wake-Up On LAN f unction, a w ake ev ent oc curring from the netw ork can
w ake up the system. If this function is to be used, pleas e be s ure an ATX 2.01 pow er
supply of w hich 5VSB line is capable of deliv ering 720mA, and a LA N adapter w hich
supports this function is used. Then connect this header to the relevant connector on the
LA N adapter, s et “ Wake-Up by LAN/Ring” as Enabled in the “POWER MANA GEMENT
SETUP” sec tion of the BIOS. Save & exit, then boot the operating sys tem once to make
sure this function takes effect.