Q24/Q48 Tape Library
Installation and Operations Manual
Changing the User settings
This page allows the user to add and modify user accounts.
Figure 46 User account settings
Changes that can be made are:
Access Level:
Choose from 1 (Standard), 2 (Admin), or 3 (Service).
Access Level Name:
The name associated with the chosen access level.
New Password:
The password can be a maximum of ten characters.
Repeat Password:
Enter the new password again.
OCP Access PIN Enabled:
Select this item, if you would like the Operator Control Panel
display to be password protected.
OCP Access PIN Code:
The password for accessing the OCP when the OCP Access PIN is
enabled; max 4 characters
Repeat OCP Access PIN Code: Enter the OCP Access PIN Code again.
Support Name:
The name of the individual within your company to contact for
RMU or library support; max 30 characters
Support Phone:
The phone number of the individual within your company to
contact for RMU or library support; max 30 characters
Support Email:
The email address of the individual within your company to
contact for RMU or library support; max 30 characters
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