Thank you for choosing a Quadro product. Your trust will be repaid by a loyal and high
quality product. In order to make this product work in the correct way and last in time, some
installation and maintenance precautions should be respected. For this reason, we kindly ask
you to read carefully what follows.
Preliminary precautions.
Trust only qualified installers.
Make sure the system is clear of any impurities.
Install the stopcocks with filters upstream.
In presence of hard water (>12°F) a water softener is advised.
Operation conditions.
Quadro taps are manufactured following the EN817 norms.
Heaters allowed upstream: pressure accumulators, instant boilers.
The installation with low pressure hot water accumulators is not permitted (open circuits).
Left connection. Hot water - Female G3/8. (1/2” and 9”16 for some countries)
Right connection. Cold water - Male G3/8. (1/2” and 9”16 for some countries)
System pressure: Min./Max. 0,5/10 bars.
Recommended operating radius: 1-5 bars.
For higher pressures (>5 bars) a reducer is advised.
Avoid pressure unbalance higher than 1:2 between hot and cold water supply.
Recommended water supply temperature: Cold 10-15°C. Hot 60-65°C.
Please refer to the warranty leaflet inside the box.
Disposal advices.
Product. Dispose in authorised sites or deliver to centers which collects ferrous wreck and
who differentiate waste.
Packagning. The external packaging consists of cardboard that can be recycled and therefore
it must be places in the appropriate bins. The internal packaging consists of Pluriball or
norma PE bags and can be easily recycled. In case of foam (grey toxcologilcally inert flexible
expanded polyurethane) dispose like special waste with urban solid waste.
In both cases, comply with local waste disposal regulations.