First Use
Box Contents
Assembled QOD Trolley
Lithium Battery with Charger
QOD Trolley Manual (What you are reading) Pictures in the manual are for illustration
purposes. They may vary slightly with your cart but the working principals of the cart are
the same.
and Battery & Charger Manual
Assembly Instructions
On unpacking the box, put the battery on charge and verify battery
charging information in the battery manual. Make sure the charger does
not share the same wall plug as another appliance that is constantly
drawing power such as a fridge or an appliance with a lot of power draw
such as a dryer. When disconnecting the battery from the charger makes
sure the power point is turned off. If you don’t you may damage the
connectors with power spikes.
Expand the trolley to its setup position as per instructions in this manual.
Please note that the bottom arm on the QOD trolley is designed to be vertical
for proper balance and control. The upper arm with the T handle can be
adjusted to any height you desire for your playing comfort.
Put the battery in the cradle. Make sure the trolley is switched off before
connecting the battery cable to the trolley
You must complete the warranty information online at www.qodgolf.com or
fill out the warranty card and send it back to us in order to validate your
warranty. Please include your email address and give us permission to
communicate with you so that we are able to keep you informed about special
offers and helpful hints on how to maintain your cart through our newsletters.
General Purpose Use of Your QOD Trolley
The trolley is designed to carry your golf bag on any golf course that you would
normally walk or drive on a ride on golf cart. The heavier the bag the more energy
it requires to propel the trolley and bag. Use good judgment as to where you want
to walk. If you normally walk around a hill or steep incline then do so with the QOD
trolley. The harder you work it, the harder you work yourself. The design of this
trolley is to transport your golf bag with a minimum of effort. It is not designed to
climb steep slopes that you would normally not climb or ride up or down in a
riding trolley. The trolley was designed to accommodate a standard golf bag with
clubs. Extra-large golf bags with a maximum diameter at the top of 22cm also fit
the trolley.
QOD Golf International. www.qodgolf.com
Warning: Product Patent Protected, Design Protected, Copyright Protected. All rights Reserved
, Remote controller