6LAP5 LAN Adapter Panel Dual Modem UG-1032
Modem Hardware Specification
Copyright © 2016 QEI
2 Modem Hardware Specification
2.1 Micro-controller
Microchip PIC16C62A, 20 MHZ, 8-bit micro-controller.
2.2 Modem
Silicon Systems SSI73K302L Bell 202 single chip modem.
2.3 Communications
2.4 Data Rate
1200 baud
2.5 Modulation
Frequency Shift Keyed (FSK)
2.6 Carrier Frequencies
Mark: 1200 Hz
Space: 2200 Hz
Soft Carrier: 900 Hz
2.7 Receive Sensitivity
-30 dBm or -45 dBm, jumper selectable (it requires 600 ohm external line matching
2.8 Pre-emphasizing
Each modem is equipped with a high frequency emphasizing circuit, which provides
a 6dB-slop gain from 300Hz to 3000 Hz.
2.9 Transmit Gain
-12 dBm to 0 dBm, in 3 dBm steps, jumper selectable (requires 600 ohm external
line matching transformers)
2.10 Test tone
An alternate Mark/Space frequency tones can be sent from either one of the
modems to the communication line for line alignment test.
2.11 Line Configuration
2-Wire or 4-Wire, jumper selectable