Copyright © 2017 QEI
Is the Field Device connected to the
correct port on the ePAQ?
Check port connection on ePAQ and
change if necessary.
Are the cabling connections correct
(Tx, Rx, GND)?
Check the cable and connections from
ePAQ port to Field Device.
Are the cabling connections for
handshaking correct, including Push
to Talk, if required?
Check the cable and connections from
ePAQ port to Field Device.
Is the Port configured for the correct
baud rate?
Check port configuration in configuration file
and change if necessary. Refer to
Configuring Communication Ports in Section
3 of this manual.
Is the Port configured for the correct
number of bits and parity?
Check port configuration in configuration file
and change if necessary. Refer to
Configuring Communication Ports in Section
3 of this manual.
Is the Port configured for the correct
handshaking, if required, to match the
Check port configuration in configuration file
and change if necessary. Refer to
Configuring Communication Ports in Section
3 of this manual.
Is the Port configured for Push to Talk,
if required?
Check port configuration in ePAQ file and
change if necessary. Refer to Configuring
Communication Ports in Section 3 of this
Does the Field Device address in the
configuration match the actual Field
Device’s address?
Check the address as specified in the Field
Device configuration in the file. Refer to the
appropriate ConfigWiz protocol addendum.
Also, check the address as configured in the
Field Device itself.
Is the Field Device receiving the entire
message, or only part of it?
Consult the Field Device manufacturer for
information concerning communications ports
timer settings.
Does the Field Device support the
message type being sent by the RTU?
Consult with the Field Device manufacturer
for more information.
The Field Device responds to the ePAQ’s message, but the ePAQ does not receive
the Field Device’s response.
The ePAQ port only receives the last
portion of the Field Device’s response.
In the Port configuration, decrease the value
of ‘RtsHoldTime’. Depending on the Field
Device, zero (0) may be a valid entry. Refer
to Configuring Communication Ports in
Section 3 of this manual.
The ePAQ port receives the complete
message, but does not continue to
communicate, or tries to send the
same poll again.
In the Port configuration, increase the value
of ‘InterCharTime’. Refer to Configuring
Communication Ports in Section 3 of this