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interface equipment. This is the primary port used to connect to Master Stations,
therefore it is the primary server port.
Figure 6.5 shows the pin connections for the RS-232 Port 4.
Figure 6.5
– Port 4 Wiring
Port 5 (RS-485)
This port is included in all possible ePAQ configurations and is always RS-485
port. It is suitable for use to connect to intelligent field devices that support 2 wire
RS-485 communications.
Figure 6.6 shows the pin connections for the RS-485 Port 5.
Figure 6.6 -- Port 5 Wiring
Port 1 and Port 2 (202T or RS-232, optional)
Port 1 and 2 can be configured as either a 202T Modem or RS-232 connection.
Check the part number of the ePAQ to determine if it is equipped with either port.
The RS-232 connection type is suitable for use as a connection to radio or
external modem equipment or fiber optic interface transceivers. The 202T