Copyright © 2017 QEI
IRIG-B Time Synchronization Interface (optional)
Refer to Figure 6.14 and Section 1: General Specifications for
connections and detailed technical information on this interface.
The ePAQ part number must have a 2 in the last place (ePAQ-9100- X X
X 3) of the part number for this option to be included.
The IRIG-B interface gives the ePAQ the ability to be time synchronized
by external IRIG-B time receiver via either the analog BNC connection or
the digital RS-422 connection.
Figure 6.14
– IRIG-B Interface
Maintenance Port
Refer to Figure 6.15 and Section 1: General Specifications for connection
and detailed technical information on the ePAQ Maintenance Port.
Use a null modem RS-232 cable to connect a PC or laptop PC running a
terminal emulator program to gain access to the diagnostic capabilities of
the ePAQ.
For a list of the diagnostic commands supported by the ePAQ, see
Section 4:
Diagnostic Commands.
Figure 6.15 Maintenance Port