Adding/Removing Transmitters from Transmitter List
Transmitters can be added by scanning for all active transmitters or by manually entering each transmitter
serial number. To scan for all active transmitters, select scan. Once the list has populated select the desired
transmitters and press the “Back” button to load selected transmitters into the active transmitter list. Only
transmitters set to the same 2.4GHz channel and that have the same Link ID, or no Link ID will be able to be
scanned or added to the transmitter active list. To manually add transmitters, select “Add” and enter the
transmitter serial number by scrolling up or down from the last entered number. To remove a transmitter from
the active list, select “Remove” or “Remove All”. “Remove” will remove the current selected transmitter from the
active list, “Remove All” will remove all transmitters in the active list.
Activate or deactivate linking security for the selected transmitters in the active transmitter list. Setting the Link
ID of the MicCommander must be done under the Device Configuration Menu. See Link ID section 3.5 for more
Flash LED
This feature will flash the Status LED very quickly 10 times, which can help locate a transmitter in a group of
Sorting of Active Transmitter List
Users can sort the Active Transmitter list by five different variables: serial number, transmitter name, RSSI,
transmitter frequency and battery level. The list will remain sorted by the selected variable until the QG-H2 or
QG-N3 is powered down. Users also have the option of using the transmitter serial number or the transmitter
name as the device ID.
Each transmitter can be assigned to one of 16 groups from the transmitter menu. Group setting allows a group
of transmitters to be turned to on or standby by a single command sent from the RCAS controller. This allows
for quick on or standby times for a large group of transmitters, which is especially useful when sharing receive
frequencies between multiple transmitters during first and second half of a sporting event or between acts of a
theatrical event.