QT-5000 & Remote Control Audio System
Revision: 6
QT-5000 and RCAS User Manual v6.docx
Page 7 of 30
Q5X Systems, Inc. 2012
The T-nuts provide a threaded insert for the transmitter pod to screw into. The insole is pulled back
from the foot bed and the T-nuts are flush mounted into the foot bed from the top side of the shoe.
Figure 5 - Transmitter Pod attached to Shoe
The transmitter pod is held in place by four #4 bolts that are screwed into the T-nuts, which are
mounted into the sole of the shoe. It is very important to ensure the correct length of the screws used
so that the screw does not protrude above the foot bed of the shoe.
Low Heel Tap Shoe
In order to mount the transmitter module to the low heel tap shoe, the heel must first be modified. It is
recommended that the heel of the tap shoe be modified by a professional shoe maker to ensure the
modification is done in the correct manner.
Figure 6 - Heel Cavity
The heel of the tap shoe needs to be modified to allow for the transmitters module to slide into the
opening. The opening needs to be 58.4 mm X 36.75 mm X 15.3 mm.