PSI System Controls and Diagnostics
F3200E User Manual
F3200E_UM_180726 Page 16 of 107
Current inputs
Thirty-two, independent parallel
Current ranges
Four, 10 mA, 1 mA, 100 µA, 10 µA, fully bipolar.
Ranges can be set for each group of two channels (future option).
Input impedance
<= 40 ohm
Input protection
Back to back fast diode pair to analog ground.
Optional series resistor.
Equivalent noise current
< 0.1% of full scale, any current range for 1 MHz conversion rate.
Improves by 1/√N where N is number of conversions averaged
into each sample, to a minimum of 0.001% of full scale.
External accuracy
Maximum deviation from a reference external current source <
+/-(0.1% of full scale c 0.1% of nominal current), after
Internal calibration currents
83.33 (+/- 0.03) mA (10 mA range)
8.333 (+/- 0.003) mA (1 mA range)
833.3 (+/- 0.3) µA (100 µA range)
83.33 (+/- 0.03) µA (10 µA range)
Used by automated internal calibration routine to derived gain and
offset for each channel on each range.
Analog bandwidth
Anti-aliasing filter DC to 250 kHz (-3dB) with four pole filter roll
off on 10 mA and 1 mA ranges. 100 µA and 10 µA ranges have
DC to greater than 50 kHz bandwidth.
Measurement drift
< 0.5% over 12 hours (environment 20 (+/- 2) C.
Calibration source drift
< 3 ppm / C
Deviation from best fit line of individual readings < 0.1% of full
14 bit over bipolar range, 1 MHz. Thirty-two ADC channels.
Effective digitization increased by averaging.
All ADCs convert together to <20 nsec.
Data capture
32 channels converted and transferred to local memory in < 500
Digital filtering
Block averages of 1 to 65534 ADC conversions (downsampling).
32 bit counter depth.