3.6.4 System turns on
Double check all the power cables and communication cables. Make sure the
voltage of the PCS is same level with the battery system. Check all the power switch of
every battery system is OFF.
MBMS must be turned on
all battery strings self-check finish.
Check the UPS(if has) is turned on. And the UPS is power supplying.
Switch the external power or PCS on, make sure all the power equipment can work normally.
Confirm the MBMS is off.
Turn on all the
Power Switch” of the BMS (Battery Control Modules) as follow step:
Turn on the 1
BMS (Battery Control Modules) of battery string:
The second BMS must be operated after the first battery string’s self-check is successful.
From 1st BMS to the last BMS turn on the battery strings on one by one.