The PX282 has a built in processor temperature measurement function. If the temperature
exceeds 70°C, the temperature limitation is activated linearly decreasing the current on the
outputs from the device. After reaching of the 82°C the total exclusion of all outputs is taking
place. To check the current CPU temperature You should go to the "CPu" menu.
18. RDM
The PX282 supports the DMX-RDM protocol. DMX protocol allows only of a one-way data
transmission, while its extension the RDM protocol can transmit information in two directions.
This makes possible to simultaneously send and receive information, and hence the possibility of
monitoring activities of the compatible devices. Thanks to RDM some available settings of
compatible devices may be programmed using this protocol.
Below is a list of
parameters supported by the PX282:
In case of an overloading of all three channels at the same time a flashing message is
1 channel is overloaded(r) 2 channel is overloaded(G) 3 channel is overloaded(b)
Below are examples of messages displayed by the device for overburdened individual channels, while the PX282 in the basic menu with address 1 ( ).
Exceeding the load does not change on the rest of the segments of the display, they displayed earlier message unchanged.
Below are examples of messages displayed by the device for overburdened individual channels,
while the PX282 in the basic menu with address 1 ( ).Exceeding the load does not change
on the rest of the segments of the display, they displayed earlier message unchanged.
SUPPORTED_PARAMETERS - all supported parameters -
PID: 0x0050
PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION - additional parameters description -
PID: 0x0051
DEVICE_INFO - information about device -
PID: 0x0060
SOFTWARE_VERSION_LABEL - firmware version of device -
PID: 0x00C0
DMX_START_ADDRESS - start DMX address of device -
PID: 0x00F0
Editable parameter.
Minimal value is 1 and max. 512. According to the RDM
standard for the device, whose footprint is 0, the value of this parameter may be
65535 and then the initial address settings of entire device can not change. DMX
addres can be set only for subdevices;
IDENTIFY_DEVICE - allows to identify a device -
PID: 0x1000
Editable parameter.
You can set it into two states: the identification disabled (0x00),
and identifying enabled (value 0x01);
STATUS_MESSAGES - information about device status -
PID: 0x0030
DEVICE_MODEL_DESCRIPTION - device description e.g. name -
PID: 0x0080
MANUFACTURER_LABEL - e.g. name of manufacturer -
PID: 0x0081
DEVICE_LABEL - additional device description -
PID: 0x0082
Editable parameter.
It is possible to enter additional description of the device using
up to 32 ASCII characters (characters available on a standard QWERTY keyboard);
Editable parameter.
Dostępne do wyboru tryby pracy DMX:
1) Tryb RGB (patrz pkt.9 tej instrukcji) - wartość 1,
2) Tryb 2B (patrz pkt.9) - wartość 2,
3) Tryb RGBD (patrz pkt.9) - wartość 3,
4) Tryb HSL (patrz pkt.9) - wartość 4,
5) Tryb EFFECT (patrz pkt.9) - wartość 5;
6) Tryb RGBW (patrz pkt.9) - wartość 6 (ustawiona domyślnie),
7) Tryb RGBWD (patrz pkt.9) - wartość 7,
DMX_PERSONALITY_DESCRIPTION - opis poszczególnych trybów pracy -
PID: 0x00E1
DEVICE_HOURS - czas pracy urządzenia liczony w godzinach -
PID: 0x00E0
BALANS_RED - wartość wysterowania balansu kanału czerwonego -
PID: 0x8011
Editable parameter.
Minimalna wartość to 0, a maksymalna 100 (wartość
odpowiada procentowi wysterowania). Dla wartości maksymalnej (100) diody LED
pracują z maksymalną jasnością. Domyślna wartość to 100;
BALANS_GREEN - wartość wysterowania balansu kanału zielonego -
PID: 0x8012
Editable parameter.
Podobnie jak w punkcie powyżej tylko dla kanału zielonego;
BALANS_BLUE - wartość wysterowania balansu kanału niebieskiego -
PID: 0x8013
Editable parameter.
Podobnie jak w punkcie powyżej tylko dla kan. niebieskiego;
DMX_PERSONALITY - tryb pracy DMX -
PID: 0x00E0