Optional Accessories
Required Accessories
#1003: Coin Turn Lever Hardware - No key required to release
lock on hardware.
#1014: Keyed Lever Hardware - Key used to unlock hardware.
#1005: Pūrleve Refill Cartridge
#1012: Pūrleve Industrial Door Closure
#1016: 2 - 3/8” (60 mm) Latch (Use with Product #1003 -
Pūrleve Coin Turn Hardware)
#1017: 2 - 3/8” (60 mm) Latch (Use with Product #1014 -
Pūrleve Keyed Hardware)
Sold Separately
Note 11:
One of the following two hardware sets is required for a
Pūrleve Hygienic Door Handle (#1002) installation: #1003 or #1014
111 W. Olive Street, Glendale, WI 53212
1.877.PURLEVE | www.purleve.com
A cleaner world is within reach.
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