1 - 888-393-1828
Water Filtration & Purification System
is unique and based on the newest
technologies of filtration and purification using methods of reverse osmosis and re-
Once installed, the
system produces the highest quality water for your home
or office.
is connected directly to your existing water line. The water goes through the
following stages of filtration:
Stage 1
– The 5-micron
t filter removes suspended matter from tap water by
passing it through a cartridge filter preparing the water for the reverse osmosis
Stage 2
Pre-Carbon filter
contains granular activated carbon to remove chlorine and
other chemical contaminants, protecting the Reverse Osmosis Membrane.
Stage 3
– The
Reverse Osmosis Membrane (RO)
is a semi-permeable membrane and
considered the heart of the system. Here the remaining suspended solids and most of
the dissolved impurities are separated from the water molecule and flushed down the
Stage 4
Re-mineralization Filter
enhances and clarifies your water prior to delivery,
adding those minerals essential to the human body. In addition, this filter re-
established and elevates ph levels supplying you with crystal clear, great tasting water.
Stage 5
Post Carbon Filter
contains block activated carbon to remove any residual
taste and odor.