3.4.2 PSU.
The facility is only available after entering the correct installer’s password.
Selecting the “PSU” entry in the setting menu enables entering another menu from which the full PSU’s
settings configuration is possible. After entering the right settings, they are stored in non-volatile memo which
protects the PSU against data loss in case of a failure of mains power decay.
Fig. 13. ‘PSU’ screen
Table 7. Description of the ‘PSU’ screen.
Battery present
YES – battery connected to the PSU
NO – battery not connected to the PSU
(see chapter 4.6)
Battery test
YES – battery test on
NO – battery test off
(see chapter 4.3)
Battery protection
YES – battery protection function (disconnection) on
NO – battery protection function (disconnection) off (see chapter 4.2)
EPS output lag
Adjustable time lag of AC power failure indication:
5s/2min 20s/17min/2h20min
1÷ 247 PSU address required during the communication with the computer
Defines the speed and protocol of communication
9.6k 8N2
9.6k 8E1
9.6k 8O1
19.2k 8N2
19.2k 8E1 (factory settings)
19.2k 8O1
Setting the battery presence.
- with ‘>’ or ‘<’ choose the
Battery presence
- press the ”SET” button, you will see the prompt at the end of the line