4.11 Interfejs INTRE-C
– Settings
Upon selection of the
„Settings” tab, selected interface parameters may be configured. This modification is
only available upon logging in to the account as the installer.
Default login parameters on the installer’s level:
Fig. 23. View of the
4.11.1 Interfejs INTRE-C
– Device name.
In the „Device Name” field, the name to be identified with the device should be entered. The name is
recorded directly in the device’s internal memory and enables its identification from the web application.
Fig. 24. Device name.
In order to confirm the introduced changes, press „Save”.
4.11.2 Interfejs INTRE-C
– Password.
In the „Password” field, it is possible to change the default user and installer password. It is recommended
to change the default user and installer passwords upon the first logging to the system.
The new password should be entered twice in the appropriate boxes. If the two passwords do not match,
the password box will be backlit red.