= The parameter is used in order to see that analogue output goes towards
negative (-). Value is selected via the key and confirmed by and saved by
pressing the key.
To illustrate it with an example; a major problem of users who use devices similar
to Transmitter in the weighing systems is that they cannot see that weight system
they use goes to negative (-) due to any reasons. To see this, parameter.
is used in
this device.
=1, then analogue output value will start from +100 mV. When we introduce this
value as zero in the PLC system, you can see that system goes to negative (-) for
analogue output decreasing from 100 mV.
= Is the page analogue output options can be selected. Analogue output can be
adjusted as 0-10 V, 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA. Desired value can be entered by and
. keys. By pressing on key, value is confirmed and saved.
= The page where Modbus ID address is entered. It can take value 00-99. If ID is
entered as 0 (zero) then MODBUS is disabled, RS 485 Free Protocol is activated. Desired
value is entered with the keys and . By pressing on key value is
confirmed and saved.
= The page where Baud Rate is entered. It can be one of values 9600 - 19200 -
38400-57600. Desired value is selected with the keys and . Value is
confirmed and saved by pressing the key .
= The page where operation mode of the serial port is selected. If the Value
entered as 1, Serial Port will run as MODBUS, as 2, then run as FREE PROTOCOL.