AGENT-2 S41D Line - User Manual
Ed. Jun-2012 Proprietary information
52 of 89
MSTP Port Setting
Port Instance Configuration
Instance ID: Click on the “Instance ID” drop
-down menu to choose the instance
ID from the “Instance ID” drop
-down list.
2. Click on ports to assign ports to the corresponding instance ID, as required.
Update setting: Click on the “Update setting” button after finishing the Port
Instance Configuration procedure.
Instance ID
Instance ID: Click on the “Instance ID” drop
-down menu to choose an instance
ID from the “Instance ID” drop
-down list.
MSTP Port Configuration
Port: Click on the “Port” drop
down menu to choose a port from the “Port”
drop-down list.
Priority (Granularity 16): Click on the “Priority” text box to set the port priority
for a bridge group. The Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol uses port priority as a
tiebreaker to determine which port should forward frames for a particular
instance on a LAN, or which port should be the root port for an instance. A
lower value implies a better priority. In the case of the same priority, the
interface index will serve as the tiebreaker, with the lower-numbered interface
being preferred over others. The permitted range is 0-240. The priority values
can only be set in increments of 16.
Admin. Path Cost: Click on the “Admin. Path Cost” text b
ox to set the cost of a
path associated with an interface.
Update setting: Click on the “Update setting” button after finishing the MSTP
Port Setting procedure.