OPTIMAX 2010 Instructions for use
PROTEC GmbH & Co. KG, In den Dorfwiesen 14, 71720 Oberstenfeld, Germany
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Fill the tanks with chemistry. This can be done manually or automatically (see "Automatic tank
filling" chapter 4.1.15). Insert the suction pipes into the regeneration tanks. The circulation
pump may still have to be ventilated (see installation instructions).
Develop test films for quality control.
Not in operation for 2 weeks or longer
If the X-ray film processor is not used for more than two weeks, then the chemicals must be drained
from the tanks. If you do not want to perform tank cleaning right away, then fill the tanks with water.
Inspection and Maintenance
No maintenance or repair work may be carried out while the X-ray film
processor is in use!
All maintenance and repair work may only be carried out by PROTEC trained
or authorized personnel.
Never operate the machine without liquid.
Daily Monitoring before and during the Examination Operation
n/a. See Chapter Cleaning.
Regular Monitoring
n/a. See Chapter Cleaning.
PROTEC Customer Service or a service authorized by it, must carry out the required maintenance every
3-6 months, depending on the film throughput and ensure the safe reliable functioning of the X-ray
film processor.
The required specifications can be found in the corresponding Technical Description in Chapter 3
Maintenance and Safety Inspection
In the event that the scheduled maintenance is not carried out, PROTEC GmbH & Co. KG accepts no
liability whatsoever for damage to the user and third parties if and to the extent that damage results
from inadequate or non-performed maintenance.
Prior to test operation, the user must ensure that all safety devices listed in the instructions for use are
functional and that the product is ready for operation.
Wear parts must be replaced by original components.
The current warranty conditions can be found in your order papers or in the price list
valid at the time of purchase.
Repairs and spare parts are also excluded in the event of improper operation.
Warranty work may only be carried out by trained specialist personnel.