FLEX Platform
Generic ASCII Comunication Module
User Manual
Page 46 of 60
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
July 6, 2009
Read-Write Devices
Read-write devices are those that both send and receive data. An example of
this type of device is a terminal. A terminal will send data entered on the
keyboard out its serial port and display any data received on its port on the
monitor. All data received from the terminal will be routed to the Flex processor
through the MVI94-GSC-E’s input image. Data to be written to the terminal will be
sent to the module using the output image. The module will send new data in the
output image out the application port to the terminal. The data flow diagram for a
read-write device is shown below:
4.2.6 Termination of Received Data
When data is received on the application port, you must define in the
configuration when this data will be transferred to the Flex processor. Within the
module, this is known as the termination type for port. When the termination
condition is met, the data will be sent from the port’s receive buffer (data area of
4096 bytes) to the processor using the input image. This termination type is set in
the bit mapped, Type field of the module object. The following illustration shows
the bit map used for this parameter.