MVI56E-MNETC ♦ ControlLogix Platform
Building on Success
Modbus TCP/IP Multi Client Enhanced Communication Module
Setup Guide
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 65 of 72
April 18, 2011
5.1.11 How do I monitor MVI56E-MNETC operation?
Module operation can be monitored either through the processor controller tags
or through the ProSoft Configuration Builder diagnostic window. Available status
information includes number of messages sent, number of messages received,
number of errors, and error codes.
5.1.12 Are there any other ways to monitor module diagnostics
besides being connected to the module’s network (subnet)?
PCB can monitor the module via ControlLogix backplanes and process networks
using CIPconnect. The PC running PCB can use its Ethernet port to connect to
any 1756-ENxT EtherNet/IP™ interface module which is on the same Ethernet
subnet. Through this connection, PCB can use CIPconnect to route through the
ControlLogix backplane to other 1756-ENxT or 1756-CNBx modules, for up to
five more route links, to reach an MVI56E module in a chassis connected on
EtherNet/IP or ControlNet™ process networks.