ProMiSe u
The procedure for keeping the PROMISE Utility up to date is different for Windows and Mac. Follow the
instructions below for your operating system.
Update software in Windows
Follow these instructions to update the utility software in Windows:
1. Click on the Global Management drop-down menu and choose
Online Update.
2. The menu displays the current version of the PROMISE Utility, and the most up-to-date online
version available for download.
3. If you want to update to the Online Version of PROMISE Utility, click the Update button, and
follow the directions when prompted to complete the update.
Update software in Mac
Follow these instructions to update the utility software in Mac:
1. With the utility menu selected, go to the top of the desktop click on
Promise Utility
and choose
Check for Updates.
2. The Mac will check the PROMISE website for the latest version. If your software is not up-to-
date, you are offered the option of updating it. If it is up-to-date, you will be informed of this, and
no further action is needed.
Pegasus2 R2+ Product Manual