Adiabatic system
Misuse of adiabatic systems can become an aggravating factor in heat exchanger soiling. As a reminder:
- Only PROFROID adiabatic supplied systems must be used on PROFROID exchangers. Any other system of misting, spraying or
watering is prohibited
- The quality of the water must be regularly checked according to the criteria described in our Instruction and Operation
Manual (IOM), see specific chapter of the manual. This verification must be recorded in the maintenance book of the
- Direct spraying of the water on the heat exchanger is forbidden, refer to the rules for mounting the adiabatic systems, see
specific chapter of the manual.
General safety recommendations
Whatever the method of cleaning, it is necessary to respect the following rules:
- The complete device must be switched off and secured against unintentional power-on.
- Secure the intervention area with visible markup.
- Prohibit the access of the secured area to any unauthorized person.
- Take note of the emergency numbers for the site.
- Check the adequacy of the energies delivered and the necessary tools.
- The motors of the fans must be protected against any splashing of water.
- When cleaning mechanically, it is forbidden to use "hard" objects: metal brush, screwdriver, ...
- It is mandatory to maintain a minimum distance between the cleaning devices and the heat exchanger. This distance is
function of the clogging of the battery and the chosen cleaning method. See details in the chapters below.
- It is mandatory to start using the cleaning means (air or water) out of the heat exchanger before proceeding on the heat
exchanger, then start cleaning at a distance greater than the recommended minimum distance, then move closer gradually.
- When using hot water, the maximum allowed temperature is 80 ° C.
- Whatever the chosen method, the cleaning must ensure the elimination of all the dirt.
- When using cleaning agents other than water, they must be compatible with all the elements of the exchanger and must not
subsequently corrode the materials used for the manufacturing of the exchanger.
- It is mandatory to ensure that the cleaning agents used have no impact on the environment, either by using non-aggressive
products or by collecting and treating the effluents resulting from the cleaning of the heat exchangers.
- Operators must wear the required individual security equipment required for this operation: gloves, glasses,… in accordance
with the safety data sheets
- The safety sheets of the products must be visible to anyone near the place of intervention
Turn off the entire unit, and secure the unit against unintentional power-on.
Comply with the site's specific safety instructions.
Dry air cleaning
For slightly soiled heat exchangers: dust, non-clogging dry residues, leaves,… it is preferable to carry out a "mech
compressed air" cleaning:
- Initially clean with a non-metallic brush (soft brush).
- Suck the front surfaces with a vacuum cleaner.
- Repeat this operation as necessary until you obtain a perfectly clean surface.
- Use dry air at a maximum pressure of 7 bar. Minimum distance to keep between the jet of compressed air and the battery =
- Orient the compressed air perpendicularly to the exchanger. An angled position will cause the fins to fold.