2. Pull the CPU Fan connector off the motherboard, and then gently pull
the CPU out from Slot1.
3. If you need to install another CPU, follow the instructions for Slot1
CPU installation given above.
CPU & Power Supply Fan Connectors (3-pin FanPWR)
These connector support cooling fans of 500mAMP (6WATT) or less. Orien-
tate the fans so that the heat sink fins allow airflow to go across the onboard
heat sink(s) instead of expansion slots. Depending on the fan manufacturer,
the wiring and plug may be different. The red wire should be positive, while
the black should be ground. Connect the fan’ s plug to the board taking into
consideration the polarity of this connector.
The CPU and motherboard will overheat if there is no airflow
across the CPU and onboard heatsinks. Damage may occur to the
motherboard and the CPU fan if these pins are incorrectly used.
No jumper setting is necessary for DRAM setting; BIOS will check
DRAM type and size automatically. This motherboard contains 2 by 168-pin
The “Rotation” signal is to be used only by a specially designed fan with
rotation signal.