V2.04 Page 3 von 7
Stand: 08.04.2018
Diese Bedienungsanleitung ist Eigentum der Fa. ProChip. Sie wird Kunden und Wiederverkäufern der Fa. ProChip kostenlos
zur Verfügung gestellt. Jede Vervielfältigung oder Modifikation, Weitergabe, Digitalisierung oder Abänderung zur
Eigenverwendung ist ohne schriftliche Erlaubnis der Fa. ProChip verboten.
© 2013 by ProChip
- Setting the throttle speed
If your BionX system has a "throttle" feature, you can enter a custom Vmax value under this
menu item. (See: Entering a value)
- Setting the KM odometer (mileage)
If you change the BionX console you can set the actual distance previously ridden by
entering the desired KM-value on the new console. (See: Entering a value)After successfully
writing the value, the console will automatically turn off.
Please observe the legal requirements: True Mileage must be specified when a bike is sold!
- Values
Indicates how many times the bike settings have been modified or "Switched", the value is
displayed until any key is pressed on the M-Ped-SE.
Indicates how many times the battery has been charged, the value is displayed until any key
is pressed on the M-Ped-SE.
- Wheel circumference
Reads the actual stored Wheel circumference in mm from the Bike ECU
Write a personal Wheel circumference in mm in the Bike ECU
- Motor Temperature
(shows the Motortemperature in the G2-Console)
Activate the Function
Deactivate the Function