V2.04 Page 2 von 7
Stand: 08.04.2018
Diese Bedienungsanleitung ist Eigentum der Fa. ProChip. Sie wird Kunden und Wiederverkäufern der Fa. ProChip kostenlos
zur Verfügung gestellt. Jede Vervielfältigung oder Modifikation, Weitergabe, Digitalisierung oder Abänderung zur
Eigenverwendung ist ohne schriftliche Erlaubnis der Fa. ProChip verboten.
© 2013 by ProChip
Main Menu:
- Setting the M-Ped-SE operating language to English
The default M-Ped-SE menu language is German.
To set it to English, press the Up button to display Setup, then press OK
will display. Press OK
Press the UP button to display English, then press OK
Press ESC to return to the main menu
- Setting the maximum bike speed: (Vmax)
25 km / h
35 km / h
45 km / h
55 km / h
65 km / h
Custom setting
Select the desired preset speed from the menu by pressing the UP button, or enter a specific
desired maximum speed (1 Km/h- 70 Km/h) on the keypad. Specific values can be entered by
pressing OK when individ. is displayed (See: Entering a value)
After setting the Vmax value and confirming with the OK - button, the console will display
several process settings. The unit will then ask for confirmation. Press either ESC to return to
the main menu, or OK to confirm the setting. After pressing OK, the system will power down
and turn off automatically.
If you want to perform another function (eg throttle Vmax), press the ESC button, the
console will remain in CanSlave mode and the main menu of the M-Ped-SE will be displayed
After the power is off, remove the M-Ped-SE unit and reconnect the bike cable.
If an error occurs (eg with a G1 Console) see troubleshooting below.