502 069 02
Power Monitor, PD 3260
SWNo $C1: TrigAngle.
The TrigAngle variable is the output from the ramp function, and holds the actual required
thyristor coupling degree. The variable is ramped in time by the slope variable, and stops at the
limits TrigMax and TrigMin.
Precise function description of ramp function:
IF TrigEnable = True THEN
TrigAngle := Tri TrigSlope/LineFreq;
IF TrigAngle > TrigMax THEN TrigAngle := TrigMax;
IF TrigAngle < TrigMin THEN TrigAngle := TrigMin;
ELSE Thyristors := Off;
END; (* Loop *)
SWNo $C6: TrigSlope.
TrigSlope holds the slope of the thyristor coupling ramp. The ramp slope is measured in deg/s.
Up ramping is obtained by writing a positive value in the TrigSlope variable.
SWNo $C9: ChConfig.
The channel configuration for the Thyristor Switch Channel is stored in a record having the
following structure:
Enablebit: Array[0..7] of Boolean;
(* Offset = 0 *)
Functions: BYTE;
(* Offset = 1 *)
Ref_A: BYTE;
Not used
(* Offset = 2 *)
Ref_B: BYTE;
Not used
(* Offset = 3 *)
The fields in ChConfig have the following interpretation:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Input Simulation