502 069 02
Power Monitor, PD 3260
Memory types.
The PD 3260 stores data in different types of memory, depending on the value of a control
variable following a reset or a power failure, and the state of write protection.
Some variables are stored in both non-volatile and volatile memory. The state of the module's
WriteEnable register, determines whether the contents are changed in both types of memory, or
only in the volatile type.
The following memory types are listed in the channel definition tables.
Read Only
PROM ReadOnly
The PROM is always write protected and can never be changed.
RAM ReadOnly
The variable is stored in RAM and is only accessible for Reading.
Read Protected Write
EEPROM RPW (Read, Protected Write)
The EEPROM is always write protected directly following a reset. By setting
WriteEnable to TRUE, the contents of the EEPROM can be changed. The contents
of the EEPROM will remain unchanged during and after a power failure.
Read Write
RAM ReadWrite
The variable can be changed instantly. After reset or a power failure, it's value is
set to zero.