© 2012 by Proceq SA
Configuring the instrument for electrical resisitivity measure-
ment (See Fig 5.2)
Most of the screens are identical to the potential mode and have been explained there.
Device Constants –
Enter the 3-digit code engraved on the resistivity probe. (See 11.4)
Data Output –
Used to clear the memory and re-open objects for display as in 5.4. In this mode also
used to export data to a PC. Select the Object you wish to export. Press the END button to open
the measuring screen where the main information of this object will be displayed. Transfer the data
to the PC using Hyperterminal as described in section 8.
6 CANIN ProVista Software
The CANIN ProVista software enables the data transfer, the graphical presentation of the potential
fields and a statistical analysis of the measurement data collected and stored on the Canin
. In addi-
tion, CANIN ProVista allows the automatic derivation of a chipping plot for concrete replacement.
These graphs can be inserted in an assessment report and serve the corrosion engineer together
with results of non-destructive and destructive tests like concrete cover depth, carbonation depth,
chloride profile etc. as basis for interpretation of his results.
The programme does not state the condition of the concrete structure, e.g. severity of corrosion of
the rebars and it cannot propose the remedial actions.
The engineer must be able to interpret all
measured values in order to propose the necessary actions.
Additionally all graphics can be exported for editing in drawing programs and thereby inserted into
plans for the execution of repair measures.
Installing CANIN ProVista
Locate the file “CaninInstallerx.xx.zip” file provided on the data carrier. Unzip the file and open the
folder called “Volume”.
Locate the file “setup.exe” and click on it.
Follow the instructions you see on the screen. This will install CANIN
ProVista on your PC. It will also create a desktop icon for launching the
Starting CANIN ProVista
Either click on the desktop icon or click on the CaninProVista entry in the
“Start” menu. “Start – Programs – CaninProVista”.