© 2012 by Proceq SA
Measuring with the Rod Electrode
The cursor begins in the top left hand corner of the XY-Grid (Fig 4.1). This indicates where the first
measurement will be stored, so it is important to take the first measurement in the corresponding
point marked on the concrete.
The first measurement must not necessarily be made in the top left hand
corner. Before making any measurement, you may move the cursor around on the
screen using the
↑↓← →
buttons to the desired location. This is particularly useful
if there is some kind of obstruction on the test object which means that a measure-
ment cannot be made in that position. By moving the cursor as described you can
move on the grid to clear the obstruction and continue measuring. The important
thing is that your position on the screen should match the actual position on the
Moisten the foam rubber plug of the electrode with water and press it lightly onto the first mea-
suring point. The measured value will be shown in mV in the centre of the display. Once it stabi-
lizes, a beep will indicate when the measurement has been acquired automatically. (See 5.4). At
this point the mV value is blended out and a grey scale indication will be placed on the grid. The
cursor will move to the next point to be measured.
Following the measurement it should be possible to see a wet patch when applied on dry con-
crete. If this is not the case then the foam rubber plug should be moistened with water again.
The simplest way to proceed is to make the measurements as proposed by the instrument. i.e.
begin in the top left hand corner and move along the row in the X-direction according to the
column width, e.g. 150mm between measuring points.
When you come to the end of a row, you must press the
button to indicate this and the cursor
will jump down to the next row. The direction arrow (Field 2 in fig 4.1) will automatically change
direction to
Now you can proceed to measure in the opposite direction along this row. When the end is
reached, i.e. you are back at the Y-axis, the cursor will automatically jump down to the next row
and the direction arrow will change back to
When you come to the end of a page the cursor automatically jumps to the next page.
The instrument can also be used to measure along the Y-axis, i.e. up and down
the columns. This is done by altering the direction arrow to
before starting. In this
case you must indicate to the instrument that you have reached the end of a column
by pressing the
The PRINT button can be used to mark an “X” on the display in the place of a
measurement value. This is useful for marking the position of cracks etc.
When you have finished making all of the measurements you require on the concrete press the END
button. The measured values are stored automatically.