- 4 -
1. Time
2. Alarm on indicator
3. Indoor humidity display
4. Indoor temperature and humidity low / high alarm
5. Remote sensor transmit
6. Outdoor humidity display
7. Outdoor temperature and humidity low/high alarm
8. Weather forecast icon
9. Pressure high alarm
10. Absolute or relative air pressure selection
11. Pressure low alarm
12. Pressure with 24-hour history graph
13. Day of week/ time zone signal indicator
14. Date
15. Indoor temperature display
16. Temperature display unit
17. Indoor temperature and humidity alarm on
18. MIN/MAX information
19. Dew point temperature display
20. Temperature display unit
21. Outdoor temperature display
22. General outdoor alarm icon
23. Weather tendency indicator
24. Barometer air pressure
25. Pressure display unit (inHg or hPa)
26. Pressure alarm on indicator
4.2 Weather forecasting
Partly Cloudy
The four weather icons Sunny, partly Cloudy, Cloudy and Rainy represent the weather forecasting. There
are also two weather tendency indicators to show the air pressure tendency between the weather icons.
The weather forecasting is based upon the change of air pressure.
4.3 Weather tendency indicator
The weather tendency indicators arrow is located between the weather icons to show the air pressure
tendency and provide a forecast of the weather to be expected by the decreasing or increasing air pressure.
The rightward arrow means that the air pressure is increasing and the weather is expected to become