Turn the quarter size metal knob on the top of the stove counter clockwise to access the
alcohol tank.
Add a maximum of 6 ounces of fuel; just enough to cover the wicking. Use alcohol stove
fuel only (denatured ethyl alcohol).
Replace the quarter size metal knob turning it clockwise.
Replace the metal panel/tray.
Rotate and lower the heating element and press to snap it back into place.
Locate the Alcohol dial on the front of the stove and turn it to the left to its highest setting.
This also opens the chimney in the center of the stove.
Apply a match or lighter to the chimney to light the stove. Then, adjust the dial to the
desired setting.
When finished, rotate the dial to the right (back to “O”) to turn the stove off.
Please refer to the owner’s manual provided by the manufacturer of the microwave for operational
procedures and for information related to the care and maintenance of their product. When in doubt,
always defer to the microwave manufacturer’s instructions and/or recommendations.
Note: The microwave receptacle is located behind the refrigerator.
Flat Screen Television with DVD Player & Cable Outlet
The combined flat screen television and DVD player is mounted over
the V berth on the forward cabin wall. When this option is factory
installed, a cable outlet is also included and is installed next to the
outlet for shore power. Twist the cap on the fitting and lift the cap to
gain access to the outlet. Then, plug the cable source from shore
into the outlet.
Please refer to the owner’s manual provided by the manufacturer of
the television for operational procedures and for information related
to the care and maintenance of their product. When in doubt,
always defer to the television manufacturer’s instructions and/or
AM/FM Stereo with CD Player, Speakers and Remote (Optional)
The AM/FM stereo comes equipped with a CD player, remote and 4 speakers. The installation locations
are as follows:
AM/FM Stereo with CD Player – Installed on the galley wall
Remote - On the console
Speakers - Two speakers at the forward V berth and two in the cockpit.
If you have selected the optional hard top, the cockpit speakers will be
installed on the face of the built in storage box.
If you have not selected the optional hard top, the cockpit speakers will be
installed on the wings located on each side of the cockpit.
The stereo can be operated from within the cabin or remotely from the console and is powered by the
dealer-installed batteries.