The 39-gallon fresh water tank and the
fresh water pump are both are located
under the hinged hatch in the mid-berth.
Important: Fill the tank with potable water
only. Refilling the tank often will help to
keep it a source of clean fresh drinking
water. Never fill the fresh water tank with
anything other than fresh water.
39-gallon fresh
water tank
Sump pump
Fresh Water Pump
The fresh water pump is located under the hinged access panel in the mid berth. Locate the fresh water
pump switch (labeled cabin water system) and the DC main switch on the AC/DC panel and move both
switches to the on position. Next go into the head area and turn on the sink faucet/nozzle to check and
see if water is coming out of the faucet/nozzle. Turn off the head sink faucet/nozzle and repeat the same
process for the faucet/nozzle at the cabin sink in the galley.
At the transom, the fresh water system transom hose is located behind a white rubber cap/cover. Pull
open the cap and pull out the faucet/shower nozzle and hose. Press the button on the nozzle to ensure
proper operation (water spraying). This faucet/shower nozzle can also be used at the transom sink.
When you are finished, stow away the transom fresh water hose and cover the outlet with the white
rubber cap.
If the fresh water system is not in going to be in use, return to the AC/DC Panel in the cabin and turn the
cabin water system switch to the off position.
Note: If you should hear a sucking sound, you may have a leak on the inlet side of the
fresh water tank. The tank is located under the hinged panel in the mid berth and there
are 2 hoses connected to the top of the tank. The larger diameter hose is the water fill
hose and the smaller diameter hose is the water vent hose. Inspect the hoses for leaks
and make certain that the hose connections are secure.
When you close all of the faucets, the pump will run briefly. If the pump continues to run with all faucets
closed, check the system for leaks or have the pump tested.
City Water Hook-Up/Inlet
This fitting is located on the outside of the transom, on the port side of the dive platform. Twist the cap to
open the fitting and then connect to your marina’s water supply outlet. Fill the fresh water system with
potable water only.
Fresh Water Stations
The boat is equipped with 3 fresh water stations:
Main cabin sink in the galley
Head sink and/or shower
Transom shower