that it coincides with the actual trim of the engine. When finished trimming the engine all the way up, the
level on the trim gauge should read in the full up position.
Volts - To system check the volt gauge, turn the ignition key on and turn on the engine. With the engine
running, check the reading on the volt gauge. It should be reading between 12 and 14.5 volts. This
reading ensures that the charging system and the volt gauge are working properly.
For specific information related to your gauges, refer to the material in your owner’s package that was
provided by the gauge manufacturer.
Fresh Water System (Optional)
Be sure to ready all instructions completely before operating the fresh water system. There must be fresh
water in the fresh water tank in order for the pump to operate. Operating the pump with an empty tank
could cause serious damage to the pump.
Fresh Water Pump (Optional)
The fresh water pump is located on the port aft side of the forward bilge.
Depressing the fresh water switch located on the switch panel to the
forward position provides power to the fresh water pump.
The fresh water system hose is located just outside the transom door,
behind a white cap/cover. Pull open the cap and pull out the shower
nozzle and hose. Press the button on the nozzle to ensure proper
operation (water spraying).
When you are finished, stow away the transom fresh water hose and
cover the outlet with the white cap. If the fresh water system is not in
going to be in use, return to the switch panel and turn the fresh water
switch to the off position. When you close the faucet, the pump will run
briefly. If the pump continues to run with the faucet closed, check the
system for leaks or have the pump tested.
Note: If you should hear a sucking sound, you may have a leak on the inlet side of the
fresh water tank. There are 2 hoses connected to the top of the tank. The larger
diameter hose is the water fill hose and the smaller diameter hose is the water vent hose.
Inspect the hoses for leaks and make certain that the hose connections are secure.
The filter on the side of the pump should be removed often and cleaned with clear water.
Fresh Water Tank and Fill (Optional)
The 6-gallon capacity fresh water tank is mounted in
the forward bilge and is accessible via the deck hatch
that is installed just forward of the console storage
seat. The tank can be filled via the stainless steel
fresh water tank fill located on the starboard gunwale.
Twist the cap to open the fitting. The cap is
connected to the fitting by a chain or cable so that it
will not fall into the water and/or get lost. Use a
garden hose to fill the fresh water tank through this