When you are underway in low visibility conditions, you should have the Nav/Anc switch
in the up or forward position. This will activate the navigation lights, as well as your
anchor light.
When you are anchored or in low visibility conditions, you should turn on the anchor light.
Press the Nav/Anc switch to the down or aft position to turn on the anchor light.
The navigation lights consist of a pair of lights that are mounted at the bow of
the boat. The red light is installed on the port side and the green light is
installed on the starboard side.
The U.S. Coast Guard requires that the anchor light be installed at the highest
point on the boat and must be secured in the up position when you are
underway. Therefore, this light will be installed as follows based upon the
optional top that you may have selected:
T-Top – Light will be mounted on the center of the T-Top
Bimini top or no top – Outlet for the removable light will be
installed on the forward edge of the motor well.
Spreader Lights and Courtesy Light (Optional)
The installation of the spreader lights and courtesy light requires the optional T-Top. The spreader lights
are mounted to the aft edge of the T-Top frame. The dome shaped courtesy light is mounted to the
bottom of the T-top storage box. Two push in switches for the spreader lights and courtesy light are
located on the base of the courtesy light.
To operate the dome shaped courtesy light - Press the switch labeled courtesy once to
turn on the white courtesy light. When you press the same switch a 2
time, the white
courtesy light will be turned off and the red courtesy light (for night vision) will turn on.
Press the same switch a 3
time to turn off the red courtesy light.
To operate the spreader lights - The spreader light switch operates in the same manor as
the courtesy light but only needs to be pressed in once to be turned on and once again to
be turned off.
Spreader Lights
Courtesy/Dome Light
Remote Spot Light (Optional)
The installation of the remote spot light requires the optional T-top. The remote spot light is mounted to
the forward area of the T-top. To operate the remote spot light, locate the remote spot light panel that is
installed on the console.
The switch on the right side of the panel allows you to turn the light on and off. The red LED light located
in the center of the panel will be lit when the spot light is turned on. Once the spot light is turned on, the
all around toggle lever (on the left side of the panel) can be moved in an up, down, left or right position to
rotate the light assembly in the desired direction.