Bimini Top
A Bimini top is installed to provide you and your passengers with plenty of shade during your voyage.
The frame is made of anodized aluminum The Bimini top comes with a cover/boot to protect the top
when it is not in use. Both the Bimini top and Bimini boot are made of Sunbrella canvas.
The Bimini top should not be left up when transporting the boat on the highway. Therefore, whenever
transporting the boat on a trailer, you should remove the pins that hold the Bimini top upright and secure
the canvas top at the transom in the Bimini boot. Depending on the speed in which you are traveling, you
may want to secure the top further.
See the Service and Care section of this manual for cleaning recommendations.
Hard Top with Storage Box (Optional)
The anodized aluminum frame comes with a fiberglass
hard top and built in storage box. A set of 4 rod holders
is permanently mounted to the aft edge along the top of
the frame; providing you with additional rod holder
A storage box is installed below the fiberglass top and
includes the dome shaped courtesy light.
The photo shown at the right includes the optional
spreader lights and two of the speakers that are included
with the optional stereo.
See the Service and Care section of this manual for cleaning recommendations for the anodized
aluminum frame and fiberglass hard top.
Rod Holder Storage
In addition to the rod holders installed on the optional hard top frame, the following rod holder storage is
Rod Holders w/Inserts – One pair of stainless steel rod holders with PVC inserts to
protect your rods. A 2
pair of rod holders can be added as an option.
Rod Racks - A pair of rod racks is installed in the port and starboard freeboard of the aft
cockpit. Combined, they can accommodate up to 6 fishing rods.
Please see the Service and Care section of this manual for information on how to clean and care for your
cabin cushions, cabin headliner and vinyl upholstery.