Follow the information in your engine manual if it deviates from the following
Before Starting Engine:
* Ventilate all enclosed spaces.
* Run blower four minutes before starting generator.
* Visually inspect bilge for fuel and check for vapors.
* Visually make sure propellers are clear of obstructions or swimmers.
* Make sure engine cooling water intakes are submerged.
* Attach safety stop switch lanyard.
Starting Engine:
Start the engine according to the instructions provided in your engine manual.
After Starting Engine:
After your engine starts, make sure to observe a few basic rules to insure the engine is
functioning properly:
* Verify engine cooling water circulation.
* Check the temperature gauge for the first few minutes to make
sure the engine is warming properly and not overheating.
* Check for fuel, oil, and water leaks. Shut down and correct leaks if found.
* Follow the break-in procedures for your engines.
Trim / Tilt
The power trim system allows the operator to raise and lower motors throughout an
infinite number of settings between its upper and lower limits. There is a trim setting that
will yield maximum speed, stability or maneuverability for every throttle setting. Refer
to your engine manual for specific questions on trim / tilt.
For most conditions, the best all-round performance is obtained when the bow of the boat
is slightly out of the water and all motors are trimmed to the same degree.
General trim down (or "in") characteristics are:
* Starting position for best acceleration to plane.
* Lowers bow, providing better stability and ride in rough water.
* Reduces boat speed and economy due to increased drag of hull and drive.
* More spray over bow.
General trim up (or "out") characteristics are:
* Raises the bow of the boat out of the water resulting in less hull in the water.
* Greater speed and economy for a given throttle setting.
* Greater maneuverability (provided prop does
not ventilate during the
* In excess, the reduced stability can lead to bouncing, porpoiseing, and
propeller ventilation.
In addition to providing ideal boat performance, the power trim / tilt enables the motors
to be raised (tilted up) for trailering, beaching, and launching. Avoid operating the trim
switch if travel of the motor is blocked or it has reached the limits of travel.