The baitwell switch controls a pump mounted on a seacock in the port side bilge area.
Two overflow drains allow circulation to keep bait alive. The washdown pump is
mounted on the stringer and is equipped with a pressure switch. The baitwell and
washdown pumps are accessible through the port transom access hatch. Turn the main
switches off if the pumps are not going to be used soon. Boats that are equipped with
generators and air conditioning have strainers installed which filters the sea water. These
filters must be cleaned as needed to avoid pump damage. Seacocks should be closed
when not in use.
Baitwell Pump Washdown Pump
Air Conditioner and Generator
Trim Tab
<fig. 7 and 8 – Sea Water System>
Head / Waste System
Your Pro-Line is equipped with a portable or an electric head. Refer to the manual
supplied in your owner's packet. The electric head utilizes clean-out fittings for dockside
operation. A sea “Y” valve and macerator / waste pump are provided for offshore
operation. A sea water pump with an intake seacock is used for flushing. The “Y” valve
is used to divert waste overboard for at sea use. The valve is shipped restrained in the
closed position as per USCG regulations. Familiarize yourself with laws regarding
overboard discharge of waste before removing the restraint. The head switches are in the
cabin / head on the starboard side. The macerator / pump is used to discharge waste.
After discharging waste, turn the macerator off and secure the valve in the closed position
when the holding tank is empty. A switch for the head energizes the sea water pump.
The sump pump discharges waste water from the head sink. The seacock for the head /