Di sp l ay o r T i m e Zo ne se tti ng up d ate s are no t d i sp l aye d o n the Me ssag e Bo ard
A Message Board Clock automatically connects to the facility's Ethernet network every five (5) minutes. During each connection, the
Message Board downloads its OneVue configuration setting change updates.
Possible solutions
Verify the setting changes where saved, go to
Message Boards
> select the
Name link
of the Message Board to view its
Verify at minimum that five (5) minutes has passed since the updates were made in OneVue.
Verify its network connection.
Verify the Message Board is connected to an Ethernet network jack.
Perform a power-reset: power off the Message Board, unplug the network cable, power back on, and plug the network cable
back in. Verify the Message Board's "amber-network light" is flashing, which indicates network activity. Wait up to 20 to 30
seconds for the Message Board to successfully cycle through its power-reset. If the issue is not resolved, complete the following
During its power-on sequence, the Message Board is to receive an IP Address from the facility's DHCP server. If "NO-DHCP"
continues to be displayed, it cannot connect to the network. Contact the facility's IT department for additional assistance.
Retrieve the Message Board's unique MAC Address. Log in to
and go to
Message Boards
> from the list,
write down its 12-character
Gateway ID
. Example: 98:76:54:32:01:A9.
This step validates the Message Board's connection to the Ethernet network. From a computer that is on the same network as
the Message Board, open a web browser and enter the URL: https://s3.amazonaws.com/us-east-1-production/message_board_
configs/#MACADDR#.xml and
Replace #MACADDR# with the 12-character Gateway ID excluding the colons (:)
. (Example:
If the URL entered does not load, either the Amazon URL or the Message Board's MAC address is being blocked by the network.
Contact the facility's IT department for additional assistance.
Smart-Comm™ Message Board Display Settings User Guide