EAGLE CORE access password modification
In order to change the access password to EAGLE
CORE from the settings menu you have to click on
"Wifi settings", a new menu now appears in which
the name of the SSID network is displayed (in this
example EagleCore005) with the network
password, which for the first use will be the default
password "eaglecore". You can not change the name
of the WiFi network created by EAGLE CORE, as
each EAGLE CORE has its own unique network to
avoid overlapping when there are more EAGLE
CORE powered on on at the same time, for example
during a star party. In order to change the
password, simply click on the Password field and
enter the new password. It is possible to change the
EAGLE CORE transmission channel at the same
time by moving the drag lever next to the "Channel"
parameter. Press the "Save" button to confirm and
a warning message will appear. By pressing the "ok"
button, EAGLE CORE will emit an audible signal, and
the "ACT" LED will be off. Before reconnecting, wait
until EAGLE CORE emits another sound and the
"ACT" LED is on again.
Now from the control device you will be asked to
enter the new login password.
WARNING: If we changed to the wrong password or we
forgot it, we need to connect to EAGLE CORE using a
network cable connection and a computer, then we
would be able to change the password. We suggest not
to change the password on the field while we use the
telescope to avoid any problem.