Status Screen
- displays mechanism status. Mechanism names
will be shown in yellow while calibrating, then change to green if
okay or red if an error exists. Locked mechanisms will be shown
in white. Press to bring up Test Screen.
- displays system status log. The log entries are stored in
persistent memory and are retained through power down. Use
touchscreen arrows to scroll up or down. Press CLR to bring up
Clear Log Yes/No options. Press the LOG panel itself to scroll
directly to the bottom, displaying the most recent log entries.
Information Screen
Fixture Hours
- displays total number of hours that the fixture has
been operated.
Run Time
- displays current run time in
Software Version
- displays operating software date and time,
along with Boot and Framing versions.
Crossload Software
- allows the luminaire to send its software
version out over the DMX512 and Ethernet lines to other
connected luminaires in the daisy-chain. (See
on page 63 for more explanation of this function.)
Test Screen
- press to bring up Recalibration Screen. (During
recalibration, intensity goes out until all mechanism calibrations
are complete and back in position, then fades in.)
Recal All
- press to bring up Recalibrate All Yes/No options.
- press to bring up Disable Screen, which allows specific
mechanisms to be disabled during testing.
Moiré Positions
- press to bring up Moiré Gobos screen. (Moiré
gobos contain two pieces of glass: one that is fixed and another
that rotates. Due to this construction they do not contain
sensors, and therefore cannot be calibrated to a certain
orientation at startup as with standard gobos.) The Moiré Gobos screen is used to specify which wheel positions
contain Moiré gobos.
Mech Test
- press to bring up Mechanical Tests Screen. (See
on page 60 for more
Group Test
- press to bring up Group Tests screen, which allows multiple luminaires to be run through a
configurable test sequence when chained together via DMX512 or Ethernet. (See
on page 61 for
more explanation.)
Clean Lenses
- press to bring up Cleaning Lenses screen. This feature will position lenses so that all surfaces
may be cleaned with a cloth. (Note that pressing the buttons does not actually clean the lenses.)
Fuse Map
- press to bring up Fuse Map screen. The Fuse Map provides the circuit board location for all
mechanism fuses.