minimum. So, the food cooked in this kind of oven is very helpful to your
Saving time and energy
Due to the high efficiency of the hot moving air in the oven, the cooking
time and the consumed energy are reduced to minimum. Our experiment
shows that the convection oven saves electricity up to 20% as compared to
ordinary ovens.
Preserving the food’s nutrition and the natural flavor.
High temperature and prolonged cooking time always destroy the food’s
nutrition and change its natural flavor. The temperature and time control in
the convection oven can solve this problem.
Quick Reference Card
n this card you will find :
How to roast, How to bake , How to broil ,
How to steam, How to fry , How to defrost,
How to toast .
How to Broil
place the food directly on the wire rack (low or high rack)
For very thick cuts of meat , turn the food at the halfway point
Like roasting, broiling time may vary depending on cut, size,
amount of fat, etc.