SuperNova PD500 PID Process & Temperature Controllers
Instruction Manual
Communication Group (G.COM)
The Communication Group includes parameters for
configuring RS-485 serial communications. The
controller supports PC Link and Modbus protocols,
with 2-wire half-duplex configuration per the EIA
RS-485 standard.
Protocol Select (PRS)
Select the protocol for serial communications. There
are four protocols supported.
Menu Selection
PC Link without Checksum PCK
PC Link with Checksum
Modbus ASCII
Modbus RTU
PC Link without Checksum does not have a
checksum, it cannot verify data integrity if data is
distorted due to communication line noise or other
problems. However, PC Link with Checksum and
Modbus ASCII or RTU can verify data integrity with a
checksum, so it can be used more reliably. Therefore,
we recommend not to use PC Link without Checksum
if avoidable.
Bits per Second (BPS)
Set the communication speed in bits per second
(BPS). Select from the following 6 communication
speeds: 4,800 (4.8k), 9,600 (9.6k), 14,400 (14.4k),
19,200 (19.2k), 38,400 (38.4k), or 57,600 (57.6k) bps
Parity Bit (PRI)
Select if parity bit function as none (NONE), even
(EVEN), or odd (ODD) parity.
Stop Bit (STOP)
Select 1 or 2 stop bits.
Data Length (D.LEN)
Select the data length to be 7 or 8 bits.
Address (ADDR)
The controller communication address can be set as
address 1 to 99. Up to 31 devices can be connected
on the RS-485 bus, each requiring a unique
communication address.
Response Time delay (RP.TM)
The response time delay parameter increases the
response time during communications. The response
time is the time from the handling of the received data
to the start of transmission and is calculated as
Response Time = (Received Data Handling Time) +
(Response Time delay Setting X 50 milliseconds)