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4 .

and  rem o ve any  rem aining  p iece o f  g rass  o r
m ud . Check  o ccasio nally  t hat   all  screw s  are
t ig ht ened . Each t im e t he b ar is t ransf erred  o r
exp osed  t o t he p ub lic or left  in a d ep osit , it  is
com p ulsory  t o ap p ly  t he front  p rot ect ion.

Tiller: clean t he t iller underside of t he t ine shield
aft er each use. The d irt  w ashes off t ines easier
if rinsed off im m ediat ely inst ead of aft er it  dries.
A lw ays t ow el dry t he t iller aft erw ards and apply
a lig ht  coat  of oil t o p revent  rust ing  or w at er
d am ag e.





Never use a “pressure washer” to clean
your unit. W ater can penetrate tight areas
of the unit and cause damage to spindles,
gears, bearings, or the engine. The use
of  p ressure  w ashers  w ill  result   in
shortened life and reduce serviceability.

Eng ine m aint enance

Refer t o t he Eng ine Manual includ ed in your w alk-
b ehind   t r ac t o r   f o r   t he  inf o r m at io n  o n  eng ine
maintenance. Your engine manual provides detailed
inform at ion for p erform ing  t he t asks.


Use clean clot hs t o clean off t he out side of t he
m ac hine  and  t o   keep  t he  air   v ent s  f ree  o f
ob st ruct ions.


4 .

T o   r e- m o u n t  t h e  b lad e,  c ar r y   o u t  t h e  sam e
op erat ions b ut  in reverse ord er, and  ensure t hat
b lad es are fit t ed  in t he sam e w ay.

A  p ro p er  m aint enance  and  lub ricat io n  w ill  help
t he m achine in a p erfect  w orking  cond it ion.

Turn o f f   eng ine  and  d iseng ag e all  co m m and
levers. Eng ine m ust  b e cool.

Inspect  t he general condit ion of t he unit  Check
for  loose  screw s, m isalig nm ent   or  b ind ing   of
m oving part s, cracked or broken part s, and any
other condition that may affect its safe operation.

Rem o v e  all  d eb ris  f ro m   t he  unit   w it h  a  so f t
b rush, vacuum , or com p ressed  air. Then use a
p rem ium   q ualit y   lig ht w eig ht   m ac hine  o il  t o
lub ricat e all m oving  p art s.

Clut ch:  as  clut ch  w ears  o ut ,  t he  sam e  lev er
could  have a w id er  op ening , b eing  so uneasy
t o use. This m eans t hat  it  is necessary t o adjust
t he  cab le, set t ing   clut ch  lev er  o n  it s  o rig inal
p osit ion act ing  on t he ad just m ent  d evice and
on count er-nut .

Eng ine: you should  check t he oil every 4  hours
of w ork and  rep lace it  every 50  hours of w ork.
A lw ays use g ood  q ualit y oil. For  t he int ervals
b et w een m aint enance follow  t he inst ruct ions
g ive in t he eng ine’s m anual.

Gear b o x :  c hec k  o il  lev el  ev er y  50  ho ur s  o f
w orking rem oving t he plug and check t hat , w it h
horizont al m achine, oil reaches t he t w o not ches.
If  necessary, ad d  t he oil.

Gearb ox oil rep lacem ent : oil m ust  b e rep laced
w hen  ho t  b y  unscrew ing   f iller  cap   and   p lug
eq uip p ed   w it h  an  o il  d ip st ic k .  W hen  o il  is
com plet ely drained, replace filler cap and fill up
w it h new  oil.

Sickle b ar: g rease t he b lad e m ovem ent  b lock
using  t he g reaser every 4  w orking  hours. Keep
t he b lad e correct ly  ad just ed  b y  reg ulat ing  t he
b lad e hold ers. They m ust  not  b e so t ig ht  t hat
t hey lock t he blad e. A lw ays keep  b lades sharp .
A ft er every  w orking  d ay , clean t he sickle b ar


If t he w alk-b ehind  t ract or w ill not  b e used  for a
period longer t han 30  days, follow  t he st eps below
t o p rep are your unit  for st orag e.

1.  Drain  t he  f uel  t ank  co m p let ely .  St o red  f uel

cont aining et hanol or MTBE can st art  t o go st ale
in 30  days. St ale fuel has high gum  cont ent  and
can clog t he carburet or and rest rict  fuel flow .

2.  St art  t he engine and allow  it  t o run unt il it  st ops.

This  ensures no  f uel  is lef t  in  t he carb uret o r.
Run t he engine unt il it  st ops. This helps prevent
d ep o sit s  f ro m   f o rm ing   insid e  t he  carb uret o r
and  p ossib le eng ine d am ag e.

Lub ricat e t he cy lind er int rod ucing  few  d rop s
o f   t he  sam e  kind   o f   o il  used   f o r  t he  eng ine
t hro ug h  t he  sp ark  p lug   ho le  and   let t ing   t he
eng ine t ick over for a short  t im e.


W alk-b ehind  Tract o r

Summary of Contents for PK1123

Page 1: ...OR Operator s Manual MODEL NUMBER SERIAL NUMBER P K 1 1 2 3 P K 1 1 2 5 P K 1 1 2 8 P K 1 1 3 0 P K 1 1 3 5 Both model number and serial number may be found on the main label You should record both of...

Page 2: ...ehind t ract or is used for sm all scale farm horticultural industrial landscaping and home use It is rationally able to meet both the requirements of t he d o it yourself ent husiast for sm all m ai...

Page 3: ...and away Never direct discharge t ow ard ot her people Thrown objects can cause injury The rat ing plat e on your machine m ay show symbols These represent important information about the product or...

Page 4: ...Replace damaged missing or failed parts before using it Check for fuel leaks Keep the machine in safe working condition Do not use the machine if the engine s switch does not turn it on or off Any ga...

Page 5: ...rally warning of trouble Use only attachments and accessories approved by the manufacturer Failure to do so can result in personal injury Maintain the machine Check for misalignment or binding of movi...

Page 6: ...Exercise extreme caution when operating on or crossing gravel drives walks or roads Stay alert for hid d en hazard s or t raffic Do not carry passengers or objects Never leave the operating position...

Page 7: ...including I 8 M1 2 30 J 2 M8 35 K 3 M8 30 L 1 M8 30 M8 25 2 M 2 2 M1 0 45 M1 0 30 N 2 M8 30 4 M8 25 O 2 M8 4 P M8 20 Q 6 M8 20 R 3 M8 30 S 1 M8 30 2 M8 25 Sickle Bar 33824 only Sickle Bar 33826 33833...

Page 8: ...2 2 2 H 2 1 M8 30 2 Tiller Assembly Insert the depth regulator rod through hole in bracket from the top down w ith curve to the rear of the unit and secure with a M8x30 screw and nut through the holes...

Page 9: ......

Page 10: ......

Page 11: ......

Page 12: ...t it again after choosing the ideal position of the handlebar After turning the handlebar levers must be inserted again into the supports W hen the handlebar is turned the machine w ill go forw ard in...

Page 13: ...ason the handlebars are released from the operator s hands it w ill automatically adopt its original position and thus stop the engine Reversing gear lever It permits the reversal of the machine movem...

Page 14: ...prevent the engine kicking back W hen the engine has started allow it to run idle for some minutes to allow oil to lubricate all moving parts 4 Squeeze the engine stop lever and grip the clutch lever...

Page 15: ...ine oil to lubricate all moving parts Clutch as clutch w ears out the same lever could have a wider opening being so uneasy to use This means that it is necessary to adjust the cable setting clutch le...

Page 16: ...nput must be clean The carburetor jets must be clean To check screw them out and if they are dirty clean with a blast of air The gears do not engage Regulate the clutch by screwing the adjustment scre...

Page 17: ...PARTS SCHEDULE Walk behind tractor with Engine 16 Walk behind Tractor A...

Page 18: ...17 W alk behind Tractor The d ifferent ial p art of t he Gearb ox for each it em Gearbox 0 1130 0 1135 Gearbox 0 1128 Gearbox 0 1125 Gearbox 0 1123...

Page 19: ...18 W alk behind Tractor Eng ine Guard Op t ional...

Page 20: ...Tiller Im p lem ent 32823 Op t ional 19 W alk behind Tractor...

Page 21: ...20 W alk behind Tractor A A Tine 32830 Tine 32828 Tiller Im p lem ent 32828 32830 Op t ional...

Page 22: ...20 W alk behind Tractor A A Tine 32830 Tine 32828 Tiller Im p lem ent 32828 32830 Op t ional...

Page 23: ...Sickle Bar 33824 Optional 21 Walk behind Tractor...

Page 24: ...Sickle Bar 33826 33833 Op t ional 22 W alk behind Tractor Sickle Bar 33833 Sickle Bar 33826 011350000M101 4 1 6 1 2 6 20 1 5...

Page 25: ...23 W alk behind Tractor Transm ission A ssem b ly Op t ional A Transm issio n 33826 33833 Transm issio n 33824...

Page 26: ...Request Form Fax to 541 895 2756 or E mail Parts PowRkraft com Name Address City State Zip Phone E mail Model Number Serial Number Purchased From Purchase Date Item No Description Qty Price Amount Com...


Page 28: ...r replace defective parts has been made by unauthorized personnel I acknowledge receipt of my Operators Manual and have read the Safe Operation Section I acknowledge understanding maintenance and safe...

Page 29: ...serve you Betst Products Family 83371 Melton RD Creswell OR 97426 Contact Information Telephone Local 541 895 3083 Toll Free 1 877 876 7895 Fax Number 541 895 2756 Efax Number 904 216 2059 To Place Or...
