Medical Indications
Fall Prevention
Power Plate® training can be a ben
eficial tool/intervention for the elderly po
pulation to preventfalls.
Fall prevention is defined as
a variety of actions to help reduce the
number of accidental falls suffered by
older people.
Muscular Strength and Power
Power Plate training can be
a beneficial tool/intervention to help in
crease strength and power to improve d
aily life performance, both acute and st
Physical strength is the ability
of a person or animal to exert force
on physical objects using muscles. Incre
asing physical strength is the goal of str
ength training. Power is the amount of w
ork done or energy transferred per
unit of time.
Power Plate training can be a bene
ficialtool/interventiontoreduceand/ or al
leviate (chronic)pain.
Pain is an unpleasant sensory
and emotional experience associated wi
th actual or potential tissue damage, or
described in terms of such damage.
Power Plate training can be a bene
ficialtool/interventiontodiminishthe app
earance of cellulite.
Cellulite describes a condition
that occurs in men and women (although
much more common in women) where t
he skin of the lower limbs, abdomen and
pelvic region becomesdimpled
after puberty.
Weight Loss and Visceral Fat Reduction Cla
Power Plate training can be a benefic
ialtool/interventiontoloseweight and sp
ecifically lose body fat.
Weight loss, in the context of
medicine, health or physical fitness, is a r
eduction of the total body weight, due to
a mean loss of fluid, body fat or adipose
tissue and/orlean mass.
BoneDensity/Bone Mineral Density
Power Plate training can be a be
neficial tool/intervention to increase b
one density and prevent bone mineral
density loss related toaging.
Bone density (or bone mineral
density) is a medical term referring to the
amount of matter per cubic centimeter
Circulation and Cardiovascular
Power Plate training can be a ben
eficial tool/intervention to improve and i
ncrease circulation and improve the func
tion of the cardiovascular system.
The circulatory system is an organ s
ystem that moves nutrients, gases and w
astes to and from cells,
helps fight diseases and helps stabilize b
ody temperature and pH to maintain ho
meostasis. Two types of fluids move thro
ugh the circulatory system: blood and ly
mph. The blood, heart and blood vessel
s form the cardiovascular system. The ly
mph, lymph nodes and lymph vessels fo
rm the lymphatic system. The cardiovasc
ular system and the lymphatic system co
llectively make up the circulatory system
. Pulmonarycirculation is the portion of t
he cardiovascular system which transpor
ts oxygen- depleted blood away from th
e heart, to the lungs, and returns oxygen
ated blood back to the heart.
Flexibility/Range of Motion
Power Plate® training can be a b
eneficial tool/intervention to improve
flexibility and range of motion.
Flexibility is the absolute ran
ge of movement in a joint or series of joi
nts andmuscles that is attainable in
a momentary effort involving a partner
or a piece of equipment. The flexibility
of a joint depends on many factors, pa
rticularly the length and looseness of t
he muscles and ligaments due to norm
al human variation, and the shape
of the bones and cartilage that make up
the joint.
Pathology Studies
Power Plate training can be a bene
ficial tool/intervention to improve gener
al well being, fitness and daily life functi
oning in patient populations. Power Plate
might have a positive impact on general
fitness, muscle strength, daily life perfor
mance and well being but does not have
a direct impact on the state of the diseas
e or injury. It will improve
patient’s life
No definition possible for this
very diverse group. Examples of patients:
Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease,
bromyalgia, Cerebral Palsy, Spinal Cord I
njury, Diabetes, Cardiac Rehabilitation.
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Claimed medical indi
cations include use in
relation to the preven
tion, treatment and/o
r alleviation
of disease.
Summary of Contents for pro7
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