Sirius FS
5.5.3 B
Flue - Ventilation Requirements
efer to BS 6644 clause 19 and BS 5440 part 2 for detailed recommendations.
The room in which an boiler is installed must have a permanent air vent to outside air
or to a room which itself has direct access to outside air. Installations in boiler rooms
require permanent vents for air supply purposes, one at high level and one at low level,
direct to outside air. The minimum free areas required are as follows:-
Where the boiler is to installed in a compartment, permanent air vents are required at high
and low level. These air vents must either connected with a room or internal space, or be
direct to outside air. The minimum free air requirements in the compartment are as follows:-
A compartment containing an open-flued appliance shall be labelled as follows:
Do not block the vents. Do not use the compartment for storage
5.5.4 B
Flue - Ventilation Seasonal Adjustments
Where a boiler is to operate in summer months, the above allowance should be sufficient,
provided it does not operate for more than 50% of the time. If the boiler is to be operated at
75% then an additional 1cm
will be required per kW at low and high level. If the boiler is to
be operated 100% of the time during the summer, an additional 2cm
free-area per kW will
be required at low and high level.
Position of
Air Vents
Air from room or Internal Space
Air direct from Outside
High Level
Low Level
400 = 4,500 cm ²
525 = 5,500 cm
400 = 9,000 cm ²
525 = 11,000cm
400 = 2,250 cm
525 = 2,750 cm
400 = 4,500 cm
525 = 5,500 cm
Position of air vents
Area of free air required
Low Level
High Level
400 = 1,800 cm ²
525 = 2,200 cm
400 = 900 cm ²
525 = 1,100cm