Potter PVC
Installation Instructions
OVERVIEW - Engineer’s Specification
The Potter PVC system shall include one Master Panel and one or more Distributed Panels.
The system shall be microprocessor based, and shall be compatible for use with contact
closures from the Fire Alarm Control Panel, (FACP). The system shall have a high-speed
communication bus and have the capacity for 6 channels of combined audio and data on a
single pair of wires. The field wiring for the communication bus may be configured for either
Style 4 or Style 7 supervision. The system shall have the capacity for Fire Fighters Phone
communication. The system shall have a minimum capacity of 2048 monitor and control
The Master Panel shall contain an integral microphone, dual channel digital message
repeater, (DMR) and digital tone generator, 120 VAC power supply, and battery charger.
Panels may be supplied with transformers wired for 240 VAC for those regions where
this is required. Please refer to Ratings section for Primary Power differences.
The system shall be modular in design, and shall be expandable such that additional system
control points may be configured. The system shall include integral self-diagnostic routines
that shall continually monitor system status, and shall indicate the precise type of trouble
conditions should they occur in the system. A trouble condition within the system shall cause
a trouble indication to be transmitted to the FACP.
Distributed panels shall provide a minimum of 4 Class "B" (Style Y) speaker circuits,
expandable to eight total. Alternately, panel may be configured for 4 Class "A" (Style Z)
speaker circuits. Panel will provide up to 6 simultaneous audio channels, up to 16 Fire
Phone circuits. Amplifiers will contain their own power supplies, battery chargers and provide
auxiliary power for other components. Speaker circuits shall be supervised for short and open
circuit conditions, and shall be able to withstand transient or continuous short-circuit
conditions without damage to the system.
System may be configured for General Alarm All Call operation, Alarm by Zone or
Floor Above / Floor Below as required. Contact closures shall allow immediate broadcast of
an alarm signal and evacuation message to the appropriate area. Non-Alarm areas may
receive alert tones and messages as required or activated by the FACP.
The alarm signal/evacuation message shall be broadcast until the FACP is reset, or until
emergency personnel interrupt the broadcast with a manual page.
To prevent unauthorized tampering, the voice evacuation system shall disable the
microphone if the microphone is keyed continuously for 3 minutes or more. Systems that do
not have this feature shall not be acceptable.
P/N PV-5010 R7.16
For technical assistance please call:
5757 Phantom Dr. St. Louis, Missouri 63042