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Congratulations. Your QubeVu 
DimStation is ready to use!
Please keep these important 
precautions in mind when using 
your new DimStation.

Failure to adhere to them will 
invalidate your warranty, and 
resulting damage may lead to 
repair or replacement charges.

•  Retain QubeVu packaging. When 

transporting your unit, always 
disassemble and pack it in its 
original packaging.

•  Use only supplied power adapter. 

Never short-circuit the power 
adapter or the QubeVu device.

•  Keep dry.
•  Operate between 5 and 40ºC.
•  Never remove QubeVu’s head 

cover, or the electrical connection 
panels at the base of the pole 

•  Never modify or attempt to 

repair your unit. Service must 
be performed only by Postea 

•  Handle cables and cable 

connectors with care. Never use 
damaged power cords and plugs 
or loose electrical sockets, or touch 
the power cord with wet hands.

•  Ensure that the base plate, pole 

assembly and head unit are 
all securely attached before 
attempting to move your unit.

•  Never lift QubeVu by grasping only 

the pole assembly; always ensure 
that both sections of the pole 
assembly and the base plate are 

•  Never drop or allow an impact to 

QubeVu’s head.

•  Mount on a flat surface.
•  Never use QubeVu for anything 

other than its intended purpose.

Summary of Contents for QubeVu DimStation

Page 1: ...QubeVuQuickStart DimStationassembly andsetup...

Page 2: ...2 WelcometoQubeVuDimStation theInstantDimensionInvention Thisguidewillassistyouin assemblingandsettingup yournewDimStation 15 minutes...

Page 3: ...3 DimStationQuickstart Display Head Calibration box Ethernet cable Base Hex wrenches Power cord Pole 1 Inventory Carefullyunpackand familiarizeyourselfwith everythinginthebox...

Page 4: ...vetheothertwo screwsinplace 3 Assemblepole Takingcarenottostrainthe cables laythepoleoutonthe floor preferablyonarugor similarsoftsurface Insertthe lowerhalfofthepoleintothe upperhalf 4 Connectpolehal...

Page 5: ...armsofachairforthisstep Removethefourboltsthatare pre installedintheblockatthe bottomofthepole 6 Attachbase Withthepowerblockhanging offtheedgeofthetable insert thetwopinsinthebaseintothe matchinghol...

Page 6: ...6 Display cable Base Power block Cable shroud 7 Completepole Standthecomplete assembled poleupright Tomaketherestofthe assemblyprocessassimpleas possible reviewthenamesof theDimStation spartsatleft...

Page 7: ...Loosenthefourboltsthat securethetopofthecable shroud Donotremovethem Slidetheshroudcoverbackand liftitoff Setitaside 9 Beginattachmentofhead Aligntheheadwiththecable shroudatthetopofthepole Itmayhelpt...

Page 8: ...eportsonthebackofthe headarealsolabeled 12 Attachcables Usethisguidetocorrectly connectcablestotheirports in thelistedorder Order Cable label Port label 1 Ethernet Ethernet 2 USB 3 USB 3 3 USB 2 USB 2...

Page 9: ...theshroud 14 Reattachshroudcover Putthetopbackontheshroud cover Slideitforwarduntilit clicksintoplace thenre tighten thefoursscrewsthatsecureit 13 Alignthehead Gentlyfoldingthecablesinto thecableshrou...

Page 10: ...he bottomcorneronthebackof thedisplay Youwon tneedthisagain 18 Choosedisplaylocation Thedisplayisusuallymounted justabovethedisplaycable opening It spossibletomountthe displayupto6inchesaboveor belowt...

Page 11: ...displaytothepole atyourchosenlocationby re tighteningtheboltonthe U shapedbracket 20 Connectthedisplaycable Attachthedisplaycabletothe mini USBportlocatedwhere youremovedthecablecoverin apreviousstep...

Page 12: ...DimStation sbase Centerit fromsidetoside Tolocateyourscalefront to back findthesmallgroove engravedonbothedgesof thebase Usethisasthe front to backcenteringpoint foryourscale 20 Attachthepowercable At...

Page 13: ...mStationQuickstart YourDimStationisnowready tobepluggedin Whenitis the softwaresetupprocesswill beginautomatically Don tpluginyourDimStation unlessyouhaveafewminutesto completeallofthesetupsteps 5 min...

Page 14: ...Touchthearrow buttontobeginsetup 2 AccepttheUserAgreement ReviewtheEndUserLicense Agreement EULA byusingthe upanddownscrollbuttonson therighthandside Touchthethumbsupbutton toconfirmyouhavereadand ac...

Page 15: ...15 DimStationQuickstart 3 Setyourtimezone Selectyourtimezone and thentouchthecheckmarkto continue 4 Adjustthedateandtime Adjustthedateandtimeif necessary andthentouchthe checkmarktocontinue...

Page 16: ...even Ifyourbaseisasmooth topped scaleortheDimStationbase touchtheleftbutton Ifyourbaseisascalewithan unevensurface suchasrollers touchtherightbutton 6 ZeroHeight Unevensurface Ifyouhaveasmooth topped...

Page 17: ...kstart 7 ZeroHeightcontinued Itisimportanttokeep DimStation sbaseclearand unobstructedduringzero heightcalibration sothatitcan setZeroHeightaccurately 8 ZeroHeightcontinued Pleasestandclearbeforethe c...

Page 18: ...kmarkto continue 10 SettheScanZone TheScanZoneistheareain whichDimStationlooksfor anddimensionsitems For bestperformance adjustthis tocoverthelargestarea possiblethatcanbeusedfor scanningitemsandkeptc...

Page 19: ...tobegin usingyourQubeVuDimStation 12 Confirmcalibration TestwhetheryourDimStation isproperlycalibratedbyplacing thecalibrationobjectonthe baseorscaleandcheckingthe displayeddimensions Dimensionsshould...

Page 20: ...erremoveQubeVu shead cover ortheelectricalconnection panelsatthebaseofthepole assembly Nevermodifyorattemptto repairyourunit Servicemust beperformedonlybyPostea personnel Handlecablesandcable connecto...

Page 21: ...omanyavailable DHCPserver However italsohasafixed fail safeIPaddressof169 254 1 1 IfyourprefertouseDHCP your networkadministratorcanadviseyouastotheIPaddressleasedbyQubeVu Configure PC network setting...

Page 22: ...anotherinnovationby 222ThirdStreet Cambridge MA02142USA www postea com 2015PosteaInc Allrightsreserved QubeVuandDimStationareregisteredtrademarksofPostea...
