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V 1.3 – February 2016
U s e r I n s t r u c t i o n M a n u a l
Reading Evaporation Parameters
PC sends: P%<cr>
Ultravap replies: ###<cr>
where % is the parameter number and ### is the parameter value
% is a single digit decimal number and ### is a 3 digit decimal value represented in ASCII
e.g. To read the current temperature 1 setting
PC sends: P1<cr>
Ultravap replies: 050<cr> if the temperature setting is 50ºC
Extended Commands
PC sends Z<cr> Run is cancelled and platform returns to home position
F<cr> Ultravap replies with set temperature
C<cr> Ultravap replies with current platform position in mm
T<cr> Ultravap moves through run position and moves to home
V<cr> Ultravap replies with time left for current run
A<cr> Ultravap replies with current temperature during run
Extended Commands
PC Sends
Tray ejects
Tray loads
System performs home function
Remote Communications Protocol